Our Products
PWG orthodontic Specialties Ltd. specializes in the manufacture, distribution and marketing of the ClearBow; a virtually unbreakable aesthetic labial bow engineered by Paul Griffiths, CDT. Paul has more than 35 years experience fabricating orthodontic appliances and operating his orthodontic laboratory.
The new virtually unbreakable ClearBow is a 3 prong adjustable labial bow that exceeds the effectiveness and durability than any other steel or aesthetic labial wire. The ClearBow is anatomically designed to provide full labial contact for superior retention and minor tooth movements. The ClearBow will easily withstand conditions that labial wires should never be subjected to, which is why we can safely guaranty the ClearBow from breakages*. 8 different size ClearBows are available for both non-extraction and extraction cases.
*The ClearBow is guaranteed from breakages when the orthodontic appliance is used under normal conditions specified by the doctor.
I have known Paul Griffiths over 30 years. He has been my exclusive laboratory technician as h